Saturday, June 27, 2009

Babies are Funny

I have been in Houston for a few days visiting Lucas, Kelly, and Lincoln. Yesterday Kelly was making noises while playing with their dog, Wembley. For some reason Lincoln thought that was so funny and started laughing. He laughed so hard that he got the hiccups.

Have you ever noticed that when babies laugh everyone laughs!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

And We Are Off. . .

Today we are off on a trip to Washington DC. We have never been and this is also a trip that we have never done before. We are spending a week on vacation with my parents and my brothers. We will either return loving each other more (hopefully) or hating each other.

Due to the persistence of my mother one of the things that we will get to do is go to the White House. I don't think that Obama will be there to personally welcome us.

This trip has been a year in the making. We will be renting a house and touring as many things as possible. We have tickets for many attractions and our itinerary planned.

This will definitely be a memorable trip of a lifetime.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is my husband with his dad and his very loving stepmother. Over the weekend we had a surprise birthday party for my husband. His birthday had been the weekend before but we delayed the party.

It was a small gathering due to other family members having plans or choosing not to come. It was their loss because we had a good time.

The party was held at my daughter's and son in law's home and we had told my husband that we were having an open house so he had no idea that it was really a party for him. He was so surprised and for hours afterward he asked if we had really planned this for him. He was worth all the planning and preparation.

Thank you Breanne and Zac-the two of you really did a lot of work to get ready for this.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Weekend

Over the weekend these people were our guests:

I always feel honored when they come to visit. I especially like spending time with this little guy:

I even got to babysit while they went to the movie.
It was a good weekend.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

Photo from Flickr

Thank you to those that have willingly served our country. I am so grateful that so many have made the sacrfice so that I can live in a country in which I can freely worship my Lord and that I have the freedoms that I enjoy


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lincoln at 5 Months

Lincoln is 5 months old today and he is just the cutest thing. There are times that he looks like Lucas did as a baby and then there are times that he reminds me of Kelly. They are coming next week and I am pretty excited. We haven't seen them in person since March. There is a bonus to this visit. I get to babysit!

Kelly has a blog in which she gives away items as well as updates on their lives and experiences. You can find her at


Monday, May 11, 2009

A Day at the Beach

For Mother's Day Lucas, Kelly, and Lincoln went to the beach. In the first photo it appears that Lincoln was unsure about the beach but the other two photos show that he was having a great time. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that Lucas was blowing raspberries on his stomach. Oh well at least it was a fun day for them, including Wembley the dog.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Rain Gods Must Hate Me

Photo from Flickr
This is what it has looked like outside my window for over a week now. Don't get me wrong-I am thankful for the rain. I just wonder why it can't be spread out over several weeks instead of having it all at once.
This morning it was raining. According to the weather man on the news last night it was supposed to rain after midnight but then by this morning it would clear up and the rain would move on.
Since I had some Weed N Feed fertilizer I thought that it would be the perfect time to put it out. It stated that it needed to be put out when the grass was wet from dew and a sprinkling. Since it had not rained hard I thought this was the perfect opportunity plus I wasn't working today. I got out the fertilizer and poured it into the spreader. I got it out on the entire yard. I was happy.
After lunch I happen to look out and what do I see but RAIN. I guess now some of the weed killing particles of my fertilizer have been washing off and I will continue to have weeds. I think that this is the time that I will give up, wait until fall and put out pre-ermergent. Maybe by then the rain gods will have moved on to torture someone else.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taks Test

In Texas every year there is a test given in school. It is called TAKS-Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills.

As a substitute I am grateful that the most I can do during TAKS testing is guard the bathroom. I am not certified and therefore cannot administer the test. Those administering the test can do nothing except sit and watch those taking the test. Guarding the bathroom is a much better job.

In recent years a new criteria has been added to the importance of the test. Those that are in 5th and 8th grade must pass the tests in order to go into the next grade. In high school a student must pass in order to receive a diploma. If the test is failed there are other opportunities to take it again and pass.

My biggest problem with the TAKS test is that teachers have to teach to the test. The textbooks are state which objectives are being taught and there are worksheets that correspond to the objectives.

I have a concern that students will graduate without a well rounded education. There are after school sessions that are devoted to preparing for the test as well as days right before the test that are reviews to prepare for the test.

I am glad that I do not have children that are going to school in Texas. They would be able to pass the TAKS test without any problems although I am not sure what else they would have learned in school.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Mouse Hunt

Photo from Flickr
Mouse hunt-not the kind of hunt where you set the trap and when you hear the "Bang" you know that there will be a body to dispose of, and by the way I really think that is a picture of a gerbil but it was the best I could do in a short time.
This mousehunt is a game on Facebook. My son in law got me started on it and he was so excited that I was playing that I have continued. It gives us something to talk about and something in common.
In this mouse hunt basically all you do is click on this horn every 15 minutes and you go "hunting". You can catch a variety of mice and go to different levels after completing the level that you are currently on. There are different areas to hunt and different types of cheese. Every time you catch a mouse you are awarded with points and gold. The gold is used to buy more cheese and to travel to different areas as well as buy better mousetraps.
Sometimes you catch nothing and sometimes the mice steal your points or your cheese. That is my point-I am really tired of them stealing from me or finding my cheese stale. I have paid a pretty piece of gold for that cheese and it is not cheap. It isn't my fault that it has sat on the trap too long. If they would just stick their little necks in to get the cheese I would catch them and my cheese would always be fresh.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Chauffeur

Yesterday the Fed Ex man stopped at our house. This is a rare occurrence and when it does happen it is usually for my husband. Since he works at home when he is in town all "important" company information is sent to him at our home via Fed Ex.
This time it was a surprise for us from our friends Robert and Patty. Since Richard was such a great chauffeur when we were in San Francisco they sent him the hat to go with the title. He thought that it was great and has been wearing it when he drives our car. He was even asking me where he could take me and calling me Miss Daisy.
In the Fed Ex package I received something that I cherish. It was a picture of the 4 of us in Napa with the word "Friends" on the glass. It was very appropriate.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Unless you have been living under a rock then you know that everyone is talking about swine flu. It seems that it is the latest worldwide health threat .

In the Dallas metroplex a school district has closed one of their schools for the rest of the week. I am surprised that they would do that considering that this is TAKS testing week. For those of you not living in Texas it is the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. I won't give my opinion of the test here, I will save that for another post. Just believe me when I say that I think that if Christ were to return this week the state of Texas would ask if it could be postponed due to TAKS testing.

Back to the swine flu. I heard this morning that it will be the story for the rest of the week, the number of people diagnosed with it will increase and that ultimately someone will die from it. At least the media is preparing us.

For some reason I am not a person that is scared of this. Maybe it is because of my age :). I remember about 30 or so years ago that there was another swine flu outbreak. There were all the usual jokes about having the swine flu and displaying pig like symptoms. Then there was a shot to lessen the chances of getting the swine flu that we all flocked to get. Eventually there was no more talk of swine flu, which is what I think will happen this time.

If there becomes a shot available I will be getting one, but until then I will just continue my daily routine (if I have one) until the next worldwide health crisis.


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I Am Done

I am done, done, done,. . .with my long term job that is. I finished up yesterday and I was very happy. It was a pretty miserable 4 weeks. I just got so tired of the disrespect from the students.

The first week I cried every morning on my way to work. The teacher that I worked with wasn't also very helpful so I just had to try to figure out what I was supposed to do.

The second week I decided to listen to Rod Stewart (loudly) on my way to work. Normally I try to pray and then listen to somewhat mellow music as I drive to work. I decided I had to do something or I was not going to do a good job. The solution was to listen to Maggie May and other songs as I went to work. That helped immensely. I would be humming as I walked into the building.

The third week I only had to work 2 days because we went to San Francisco so I was just anxious to get there, get done, and get home. It was such a relief to be gone for those days that it made the last week bearable.

The last week and today I knew that I was in the home stretch and I could make it to the end. Today was the best day because there were very few students that came in to help due to preparing for state assessment testing the rest of the week.

The part I disliked the most during these weeks has been lunch duty. The students are even more disrespectful during that time and ignore most of what is said. Today I didn't even have to do lunch duty. What a way to end the assignment!

Hopefully I will get to have 2 days at home to get some things done before I go back to work. Thursday I already a job for that day-a Language Arts class. The teacher teaches both 6th and 7th grade. At least it will be a change in what I have been doing.


Monday, April 27, 2009


As I had previously mentioned we traveled to San Francisco with our friends Patty and Robert and had a great time. This picture was taken while we were at Muir Beach. This is the one morning that had the typical morning fog.
We usually travel either alone or my mother goes with us sometimes. About 16 years ago we went to Santa Fe with another family and couple. That trip was a lot of fun but it is hard to arrange schedules so that others can come.
Our San Francisco trip was a year in t he making. I arranged the hotel and the rental car. When I do that I always worry that the others won't like it or that the hotel will be in a bad location. Believe it or not the internet pictures are not always accurate.
This time I managed to do well. The hotel was affordable with a hot cooked breakfast and was conveniently located 5 minutes away from the BART station, the only way to travel to downtown San Francisco. The rental vehicle was a midsize SUV, very affordable, and was just what was needed for 4 people.
We all had such a great time that we plan to go elsewhere, although it will probably be in a few years. With our children having babies we have to work around them.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Pool Cleaning Day

Today was "clean the pool" day. Every year we say that this will be easier than last year but it never is. . .until. . .today.

We always say that we will run chlorine through the winter to make today easier. That doesn't seem to happen. It gets cold, the water stays clear, we don't see the need for chlorine, we have a warm winter day, and then BAM! the pool is green. I know it is hard to believe but it can get green overnight and then we realize that we don't have any chlorine and so it stays green. It doesn't help that we have trees in our backyard. Trees mean leaves that fall in autumn and many fall or blow into the pool. The chlorophyll leeches out of them into the pool water.

In the past we have spent a lot of money on chemicals to finally get the pool water clear and ready to swim. This year we got smart-we drained the pool. We realized that it might cost us $100 extra on our water bill but that was cheaper than all the chemicals that we have bought in the past.

It took almost all day to drain the pool. We had removed the leaves through the day to keep the drain clear so when the last water was sucked out we finished rinsing the sides and started filling it up. Easy, easy, easy.

Of course now that the water is clear we can see how badly it needs to be replastered. That will probably have to wait until next spring. My theory is that it holds water and I can swim.

Now if we can just remember to keep the chlorinator full this winter we won't be in this predicament again.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

San Francisco

Last week we met our very good friends Patty and Robert in San Francisco. We had the best time. How could it not be a great time since we were in one of my favorite cities with favorite friends.

My husband and I had been to San Francisco before but Patty and Robert had not so it was especially enjoyable. We spent a whole day in San Francisco seeing all the sights: Pier 39, Fisherman's Wharf, sea lions, Ghiardelli Square, Chinatown, Union Square, the Golden Gate Bridge and of course there were all the unusual people.

The next day we drove down Highway 1 south through Big Sur to Lucia Lodge. We made a drive through Pebble Beach and stopped at the Pro Shop before going on. As usual it was absolutely beautiful-the blues and greens of the water are breathtaking.

Our third day we drove across the Golden Gate Bridge on to Stinson Beach and then to Napa. The water at the beach was a little cold and we were amazed at the number of people that were there. The grape vines in Napa were just beginning to leaf out.

We ate good food and laughed a lot. A vacation shared with good friends makes great memories.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Prisoner of Birth

Picture by Flickr
I love books written by Jeffrey Archer. I have read many of his books and love the twists and turns throughout them. A Prisoner of Birth did not disappoint me. This book like so many of his others take place over several years. When I start them I always wonder if I am going to be able to get through the 600 pages but the more I read the more I want to find out what happens in the end. Isn't that how a book should be?

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Photo from Flickr
Today is Easter. I will be spending the day with some of the people that mean the most to me, my parents, my brothers, my husband, my daughter, and my son in law. My son, daughter in law, and my grandson will be in Houston celebrating Lincoln's first Easter. We will miss them but maybe next year they will be able to spend Easter with us.
Everyday I try to thank God for the blessings that He has bestowed upon us. I know that I am very often negligent in turning my eyes to Him and being thankful. Today I am most grateful for a Savior that loves me, that gave His life for me, and for being patient with me. I know that no matter what happens I am saved by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

March Madness Update

March Madness is over for another year. Even though I was the only one in our pool to correctly pick the NCAA Basketball Tournament winner I didn't come in first. I came in second. . .by 2 points. It seems that I didn't correctly pick enough of the winners in the earlier games. At least I achieved my goal of not coming in last. In fact I think that this year was my best.


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Wind, Wind, Wind

Another windy day-the fourth in a row. I am so tired of the wind and today will be worse than the others. Today wind gusts could be 45-50 mph.

There is nothing like spending 45 minutes in the wind with 300 middle schoolers waiting for their teacher to come and take them back to the classroom. They are usually wound up and talkative. That has to be one of the longest 45 minute time spans of the day.

This is the end of the first week of my long term job. I already had plans for tomorrow so someone else will be there next week. I hope that next week will be less windy and more enjoyable.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Long Term Job

This week I started a subbing job for 4 weeks. I am filling in for the Content Mastery aide while she is doing her four week training for the Army Reserves.

This is not a position that I would normally do but it was several weeks of consistent work during a month in which I will be gone and there is also TAKS testing so I knew that subbing could be sporadic.

Content Mastery is part of special education. This is a room for students with learning disabilities. They can leave their regular classroom, bring their papers, and get individual help. Most of the students are at a very low reading level and can be discipline problems in the regular classroom because they try to cover up the fact that they are unable to keep up.

I do not take the subbing jobs in this room because these kids get used to the teacher and the aides that are in there consistently and they do not accept a different person helping them. There are many that already do not like me because I am the sub that tries to make sure they do the work that the teacher leaves for them and so they are not wild about me doing anything to help them. Maybe that will change during these four weeks.


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Kind of Stimulus Plan

My husband was telling me this morning about a conversation he had with a man yesterday. This man passed along a stimulus plan that he had heard from someone else, and I really liked it.

This plan states that every employed (I added that part) American would receive $1,000,000. In order to receive that payment the person would have to quit his job, buy a new car, and pay off his mortgage. This would put money into the industries hurting the most-auto, housing, and employment.

I could support this plan-how about you?


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Spring Flowers

I love Clematis. I discovered it when we lived in Kansas. It grew prolifically there. I planted several while we were living there. The plants would bloom most of the summer as long as I would deadhead them.

When we moved to Texas I had been told that they would not grow well here. Imagine my surprise when I would see them for sale at Lowe's. I bought a few the first summer we were here and due to the drought we were experiencing at that time I had a hard time keeping them alive. Since then I have bought several more and planted at various places in our yard. The one pictured above is the only one that I have planted in a pot and I can say that it is hardy. It has had a hard time but this year it is looking the best that it has ever looked. It is the first one of all of my clematis to bloom and it is so pretty.

The others planted throughout the yard will be blooming soon. i am sure that they will be just as pretty as this one.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Job 19:25

And as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last He will take His stand on the earth. (NAS)


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bluebonnets Are Here!

Bluebonnets, bluebonnets, with your coats so blue,
Your white eyes are shining through the silvery dew.
We know you’re a dolly offered for the rain.
We know you’ll return again to Texas in the spring.
Spring is Here!!! In Texas Bluebonnets (the state flower) always announce the arrival of spring. It is always my favorite part of the springtime.
The legend of the bluebonnets state that an orphan Comanche Native American Girl gave up her doll as a sacrifice so that the rain would come and end the famine. Th words under the above picture was a song that I learned in 2nd grade and it comes to my mind every time I see a bluebonnet.
This year the bluebonnets are not as plentiful as in other years. The fall rain has a lot to do with the bluebonnet production. Two years ago there were fields and fields of bluebonnets due to the abundance of the previous fall rain. That year we the fields were blue with the thousands of bluebonnets. There is nothing like it.
This year I am happy seeing the small groups of bluebonnets by the side of the roads. For us it is a sign that spring is here.

Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madness

My son and I are sports fans. It is something that we share and I love when he calls and wants to talk about a football game that we have both seen. We love football, soccer, and basketball playoffs. I am not one to watch the whole college or professional basketball season but I am there at playoff time.

A few years ago Lucas' father in law started a March Madness bracket and it only cost $5 to fill one out. I have faithfully filled one out through the years and have always lost, although not in last place.

This year Lucas took over administrating the brackets and making sure he reminds everyone fills theirs out on time. I have once again filled it out. I usually guess and so I am amazed some years that I don't end up in last place.

As in the years past it is fun to follow the games and everyone else's progress. Good Luck to all!


Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Farm Entrance

Yesterday I went to see my parent's. While I was driving up to their house I took the above video. It is almost a mile from the paved road to the house and since I was driving the video is a little shaky. If you get have a tendency to get motion sickness then the video might bother you. I was surprised at how green the grass was in the areas that were burned by the fire. In the video the cows are in the back pasture so it is a little hard to see them.

My brother, John, is there for a few days. He has been helping get some things done like doctoring the newer calves and trimming trees. All things I declined to help with.

It turned out to be a beautiful day. There was still some fog when I drove down but it quickly burned off. The spring is the prettiest time at the farm.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

When Lucas was a baby he would accomplish those milestones: smiling, laughing out loud, crawling, walking, talking, etc. Once he would do some of them he wouldn't continue to do them; it was like he knew he could do it and he didn't need to do it again.

This past weekend Lucas tried to get Lincoln to laugh out loud. Lincoln did laugh on Friday night but he never would do it again-no matter how much we all tried. I guess Lincoln decided to take after his dad.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Four Generations

Four generations of Ward men.
From left to right: my grandson Lincoln Danger Ward (LD Ward), my father in law L D Ward, my son Lucas Daniel Ward (LD Ward), and my husband Richard Ward.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Children

Today was picture taking day. This is my children-my son and daughter in law with the baby and my daughter and son in law. I am so blessed.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Guess Who Is Coming?

Guess who is coming this weekend? Lincoln (and his parents) are coming. With a smile that sweet who couldn't be excited about them coming? I plan on loving and squeezing and holding him as much as I can all weekend long.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our Denver Trip

We did go to Denver. The surprise party was great. The youth minister didn't have a clue anything was happening until his blindfold came off and he felt very honored to have this many people come out to celebrate with him.
My daughter and I did get to have lunch with the pastry chef brother and I did score some cookies and bread. The weather was beautiful. We drove on to Vail so that we could see where my son in law had skiied last month. The snow was great, especially since the roads were clear and all we had to do was look at it. The above picture was taken between Keystone and Vail.

Saturday was spent shopping. We went to our favorite store, Gordman's. We do not have one in Dallas and I miss it so much. We seize any chance that we have to go to a Gordman's.
We had lunch at Casa Bonita. That is a "can't miss" place. The food is not the reason to go because it is mediocre at best. The inside is unbelievable. There are waterfalls, caves, and deluxe dining areas. While there you can enjoy diving from the cliff or a short skit. There is even a Black Bart Cave for the kids. Above all Casa Bonita has the best sopapillas around.
Sunday started with a drive up Lookout Mountain in Golden. We went up on the curvy 2 lane road that we had to share with bicyclers. This was only the second time that I have ever been up that road because I AM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS. Once we started driving we were committed because there is no place to turn around. I never plan on doing that again. The view was great but we went down the backside which is a gentle drive.

Next stop was Red Rocks Amphitheater area. We stopped and took pictures before going on to the amphitheater, the best place to go to a concert. The day was gorgeous-50's in Denver in March! We had experienced a brief flurry of snow the night before but then got up to a sunny day and loved every minute of it.
We had a great time and I was so glad that we got to spend a weekend together.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Off to Denver

My daughter and I are off to Denver for the weekend. We are going there for a celebration tomorrow night. The man that was my youth minister when I was in high school is celebrating 40 years in the ministry. I am going to the surprise party.

We are also going to the Keystone Ski area to have lunch with my brother, the pastry chef. I think that I will get to score some cookies and bread from him while I am there. I love the M&M cookies he makes as well as the sourdough bread. Yum!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Am A Lucky Woman


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ergun and Emir Caner

Photo from Flickr
Sunday night my husband and I went to the First Baptist Church of Euless to hear two brothers, Ergun and Emir Caner (the above photo shows Ergun and I know it is small but it is the only decent one that I could find). They were brought up by Turkish parents that were practicing Muslims. As teenagers they were invited to a Christian church by a friend. Due to that friend's invitation these two men became Christians. Ergun is now the president of Liberty Theological Seminary in Lynchburg, Virginia and Emir is the president of Truett-McConnell College in Cleveland, Georgia.
These 2 men were the most interesting speakers. They spoke for only an hour and I could have listened to them for another hour. They spoke of Islam and their personal insights into the religion and the fanaticism related to it. I encourage anyone to take the opportunity to hear them if they are ever in your area, you will not regret it.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Texas Independence Day

Today is Texas Independence Day. It is the day that the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed at Washington on the Brazos. Today if you go to that small town you can visit the building in which this historic document was signed.

Later this week is the day that the Alamo fell. On March 6, 1836 the Mexican army lead by General Santa Anna charged into the Alamo and defeated the brave men defending the Alamo. Time has somewhat romanticized Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, William Barrett Travis as well as many of the events that had occurred while the Texans were defending the Alamo. The important thing is that these men gave their lives to gain freedom from Mexico.

As a person that grew up in Texas I have always known the story of the Alamo. When I became an adult I understood the pride that Texans have concerning their fight for their independence. I have always been proud of being from Texas and the struggle that was overcome so that our state could first be an independent country before joining the United States.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fire at the Farm

My parents live on a farm. The only thing that they raise is cattle. There are no chickens, pigs, goats, horses, or sheep, just cows. Right now things are very dry due to the lack of rain. There are burn bans everywhere with signs displayed throughout the area so that no one can say they didn't know there was a burn ban.

Yesterday my daughter and son in law went to the farm to see my parents and ride their four wheeler. As they pulled in a fire had just started on some adjacent land. The fire had started on someone's tractor-possible a bird nest that had been built on the underside of the tractor had ignited while the tractor was being used.
The fire spread quickly and soon jumped to my parent's land. Fire trucks from every close small town came to put the fire out. My father as well as men from the adjoining land plowed the ground to hopefully create a fire break. The good news is that the only fatality was a truck. A man that had been working had left his semi truck and flat bed trailer in the field. He had been called by several people but didn't come to move it. The tires melted from the heat. No homes or cattle were lost but my father will now be replacing 45 fence posts that were burned by the fire.

That Precious Smile

When Lincoln smiles your heart will melt and you can't help but fall in love with him.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Rwayne Dennis

Rwayne Dennis was my uncle. He died last week and his funeral was today. He had a military funeral and he deserved it. He served during an unpopular time-the Vietnam War. I feel that all our veterans deserve every honor given to them.

Rwayne was the brother closest to my mother in age. He and his wife didn't have any children but they always had dogs. My earliest memory of him was when I must have been about 4 years old. We had gone to their house and I went in only to be met with a huge dog. It was a boxer and I am sure that it was average height but to me it was enormous. It scared me to death but I was also curious because this dog had shoes on. It had baby shoes on it's feet so it would not scratch the floor. I know I had never seen a dog that wore shoes and I don't think I have seen one since. I know Rwayne always remembered this because he would tease me about it every time I saw him and now I am glad that the thought of it put a smile on his face.

Rwayne also fascinated me because he rolled his own cigarettes. This was a time before cigarettes came with warnings. I can remember watching him pour the tobacco into the paper, roll it up, lick the paper so it would stay closed, and then lighting it and smoking it. I know this wasn't a good example to set for a young child but when we would go to visit my grandparents I would always ask if "that man that rolled his cigarettes would be there". My youngest brother always knew him as the man with the fire lighter-that probably contributed to my brother's fascination with fire.

Unfortunately Rwayne's smoking habit caught up with him. About 5 years ago it was discovered he had lung cancer. Whether or not he would have lived longer than the 79 or 80 years he had already lived is unknown, except to God. What I do know is that at my grandfather's funeral he was a comfort to a 14 year old girl that had lost a man that she dearly loved and I will never forget that.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Dog Fight

Our dogs were so funny this morning. I heard the most awful racket coming from the backyard and I thought that one of them must be hurt. I ran to the back door and saw that both of them were barking and snarling while trying to stick their noses under the gate.

I started yelling at them and then they turned on each other. It was like they were trying to take out their frustration by attacking one another. I kept yelling until they quit and then they walked on off like this was an every day occurrence.

I went back in the house and went outside through the garage. On the driveway there was a small dog with 3 grown men trying to catch it. It seems that it had gotten out of a backyard while these men were mowing the yard. It had run over to our house and our dogs were doing their best to be vicious. The 3 men finally succeeded in catching the dog and taking it home. Everything returned to normal.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Husband

My husband Richard is the best thing that ever happened to me. He is patient and loves me and most of all he puts up with me. He has also endured my family, which can be somewhat overbearing-mainly my father. He loves them and is always willing to help them.

Approximately 7 years ago a brain tumor was discovered on the right side of my husband's head. When you first hear that diagnosis your whole world suddenly falls apart. In my usual fashion I started thinking the worst and I should have trusted God. I did go to Him in prayer and we had so many people praying for us during that week. After having many tests done it was determined that it was non malignant and that surgery wasn't needed. He was to have follow up MRIs done every year, which he faithfully did.

Fast forward to 2007. During those 5 years nothing had really changed but he suddenly started having "deja vu" episodes. They started out as brief episodes but as time went on these "events" increased. Not knowing what was happening Richard first went to a cardiologist. Those tests showed no abnormalities so the next stop was a neurologist.

The neurologist did more MRIs and it showed that the brain tumor had begun to change and the "events" were coming from the tumor. Medication would control them briefly and then the tumor would overcome the medication and the "events" would return. Finally in September of 2007 we went to see the neurosurgeon.

Dr. Bruce Mickey has to be the kindest most optimistic neurosurgeon around. I will admit that my experience with doctors with that speciality is limited but he has been nothing but encouraging to us. He explained everything to us and performed the surgery on September 13, 2007.

The recovery period is long and the recuperation involves many ups and downs. Although they were able to get 95% of the slow growing tumor it is always in the back of our minds that the symptoms would return.

Richard has to go to see Dr. Mickey every 6 months and have an MRI done. Yesterday was one of those visits. We can't help but get anxious when these visits roll around. The visit was good-nothing has changed and everything is stable.

I have learned so much during these past years. The most important thing I have learned is that God is there always, even when I feel that everything is falling apart. During Richard's surgery there were people praying for us-people we didn't even know. I felt so calm and optimistic during that time and I am usually the one that is falling apart. I know that it was only because of those prayers lifting me up and God hearing them.

If today you feel that your world has been shaken turn to God-He is the constant in this ever changing world.


Note: The visits to the neuro-oncologist and the neurosurgeon were very positive today (Monday). Things are stable-return in 6 months.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Tree Now

This is how the tree looks now. It has been compacted and is ready to be picked up on Monday.


Saturday, February 14, 2009


After looking at the tree and discovering that it had split we knew that it would break again after another storm. So the decision was made to cut the tree completely down. We hated to do it but felt that we would have no choice.

My brother John came over to help so now the tree has been cut down and piled up at the street waiting for Monday when the trash is collected. Fortunately we live in a town in which anything (except hazardous material like paint is put out) is picked up. When I say anything I mean anything-hot water heaters, furniture, etc.


Beethoven and Bizet

On Thursday and Friday I substituted in choir. My best threat was if they didn't behave I would sing for them and I knew they didn't want that.

On Thursday some of the classes had to read some articles. One was on Jason Mraz and the other was about the birth of Rock and Roll. One of the articles mentioned Beethoven.

In order to make sure they had actually read the articles I would ask them a question about it. I asked one boy to tell me something that he had read and he mentioned Beethoven. I asked him to tell me what it said about Beethoven thinking he would tell me that the composer was deaf. Instead the student told me that Beethoven played music (duh!).. When I asked what kind of music he played the boy told me, "Jazz". I told him to go and read it again.

On Friday all the classes watched a video named Bizet's Dream. I had never heard of Bizet but I learned that he was the composer that wrote the opera Carmen. Even I learn when I am at school.


Thursday, February 12, 2009


Tuesday night storms rolled through. The weather service reported there was possible tornado rotation at a mall close to our house. The tornado sirens were blaring and I was trying to get our dogs in the house so they could share the bathroom with us.

While I am trying to entice the dogs into the bathroom the wind started blowing extremely hard. After deciding that I wasn't sure which would kill me-a possible tornado or the dog smell -I could tell that the wind had died down although it was still pouring rain. I looked out the window and observed that the above tree was in the yard and partially on the street.

When the rain quit I went outside (mind you it was 10:00 and pitch black) and surveyed the damage. Thank goodness the tree had sustained the most damage but there were fence boards in the yard. One was even driven into the ground. My daughter had come over and we walked around our backyard to see if pieces of our fence were missing. Our fence was intact so she went home and I went to bed.

This morning I went out to take pictures and pick up twigs and small branches. I looked across the street and figured out where the fence boards had come from. The house directly across from ours was missing its fence. It was laying all over their backyard.

We have now determined, in our own unscientific manner, that we had some type of rotation or mini twister/tornado start to come down and didn't touch the ground but went back up into the sky.

I think this weekend we will be cutting up tree branches. Free firewood anyone?


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Class of Hellions

Yesterday I substituted in a 7th grade Language Arts class. The funny thing is that I was a substitute for the substitute. The permanent teacher is on maternity leave so there is a long term sub in the class. She had to go to some kind of training or something so I was the sub for the day.

I have been in the class before so 4th period was not going to be a surprise. They have to be one of the worst classes I have ever had. There were 4 girls yesterday that just made it miserable. Four girls can disrupt one class and that means that there were 20 others that had a difficult time doing their work in there.

There was a sub in the class last month and I came across the note that she had left. That day the 4th period class ran back to the class after lunch and locked the teacher out of the room. I doubt that much was done to the students BECAUSE they are still there. They should be sent to alternative education for that!

I know that things have changed a lot since I was in school but there is no way I would have ever behaved in that manner. I knew that I was to be respectful to my teachers. They were my elders and they were there to help me. I also knew that when my parents found out I had been disrespectful then there would be consequences.

My children have also told me that there is no way they would have behaved disrespectfully. Why-they knew that there would be consequences to pay at home. Maybe that is the problem today. There are no consequences at home for their behavior. Just think-these are the same people that will be future employees. They should be glad that I don't own a business-I would never hire them.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Little Late

So I know that this acknowledgement is late, but things have been a little hectic in my life. I want to thank Joanna at Sweet Things for my prizes. I won one of her giveaways! After receiving it I couldn't believe all the wonderful things I got. Thanks.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Web Cam

For Christmas our daughter in law had drawn my name and she gave me a web cam. It was really for my husband and I so it was convenient that she had drawn my name. Our daughter in law's parents were also given one for Christmas. The idea behind it was this way we could call them and see them and our grandson-great idea.

As new grandparents we were all excited about being able to see Lincoln, especially the other grandparents because they live in Omaha, Nebraska and their trips will more likely be less often than ours. There was only one little hang up with this plan. Our son and daughter in law did not have a camera. The only people we could see were the other grandparents. As much as we like them I am sure that they didn't want to see us that often-we tend to look the same week after week. That meant we had to wait until the parents of Lincoln got a web cam or a new computer.

Hurray-this week Lincoln's parents got a new computer WITH a camera. They called us Thursday night and told us how to connect so we could see them. Voila-it works! We could see them and they could see us. That night we got to see Lucas, Kelly, Lincoln, and Wembley (the dog). We also got to see as Wembley proceeded to lick the baby's head. As this was happening my husband is trying to tell them this was going on while Lucas is telling us about his new computer. They finally figured out what we were saying and shooed the dog away. Lincoln seemed to take it all in stride-as Lucas said, "You can tell the baby is used to it".

We all did come to one conclusion-you must make sure that you are fully clothed as you are talking. No more jumping out of the shower and talking on the phone!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Out My Front Door

Last night the ice and rain came. This morning there was ice everywhere as well as something that was very welcome-the sun. All the schools were closed today so I knew I wasn't working. By this evening most of the ice will be melted but it is supposed to be in the 20's tonight so that means everything will refreeze and once more the roads will be hazardous during the early commuting hours.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

He Can Fix Anything But. . .

My husband can fix anything. He has built our storage building from the bottom up and it isn't just any storage building. This one has a loft and electricity among other things. He has fixed all the massive leaks that our pool had (another thing that was hidden from us when we bought the house) and I never worry about repairs because I know that he will be able to fix it.

My husband is employed by a company that has many divisions and he just happens to work in the energy savings area. He works on government facilities and the jobs are usually large. He knows how to calculate energy costs and the equipment that needs to be installed to save these facilities on their energy use.

Right now it is cold here and it looks like we will be having ice later this evening. Our thermostat is set to automatically reset at 8 am every morning Monday through Friday. It is not usually a problem except when it is cold like today. That is why I found it amusing that this morning before I left to go to work my husband had to ask me how to keep the thermostat at the higher setting so he won't get cold-like he did yesterday. I always feel useful when he asks me these little things.


Monday, January 26, 2009

Multiple Blessings

I just finished the book Multiple Blessings by Jon and Kate Gosselin. For those that are unfamiliar with the Gosselin family they have a show on TLC, Jon and Kate Plus 8. They have twin daughters plus sextuplets.
The book deals mainly with the time that Kate was pregnant with the sextuplets, their birth, and the first year afterward. It does mention meeting Jon, their wedding, and the twins before the birth of their sextuplets.
The book does a great job of explaining the the difficulty of Kate's pregnancy and how she was determined that she would have all 6 of these babies. She did everything that was necessary to have healthy babies.
The most meaningful part of the book was the way that Kate gives God the glory for everything and how her dependency on God taught her many lessons.
I really enjoyed the book and it was very easy reading.