Monday, March 2, 2009

Texas Independence Day

Today is Texas Independence Day. It is the day that the Texas Declaration of Independence was signed at Washington on the Brazos. Today if you go to that small town you can visit the building in which this historic document was signed.

Later this week is the day that the Alamo fell. On March 6, 1836 the Mexican army lead by General Santa Anna charged into the Alamo and defeated the brave men defending the Alamo. Time has somewhat romanticized Davy Crockett, Jim Bowie, William Barrett Travis as well as many of the events that had occurred while the Texans were defending the Alamo. The important thing is that these men gave their lives to gain freedom from Mexico.

As a person that grew up in Texas I have always known the story of the Alamo. When I became an adult I understood the pride that Texans have concerning their fight for their independence. I have always been proud of being from Texas and the struggle that was overcome so that our state could first be an independent country before joining the United States.


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