Saturday, June 27, 2009

Babies are Funny

I have been in Houston for a few days visiting Lucas, Kelly, and Lincoln. Yesterday Kelly was making noises while playing with their dog, Wembley. For some reason Lincoln thought that was so funny and started laughing. He laughed so hard that he got the hiccups.

Have you ever noticed that when babies laugh everyone laughs!


Thursday, June 4, 2009

And We Are Off. . .

Today we are off on a trip to Washington DC. We have never been and this is also a trip that we have never done before. We are spending a week on vacation with my parents and my brothers. We will either return loving each other more (hopefully) or hating each other.

Due to the persistence of my mother one of the things that we will get to do is go to the White House. I don't think that Obama will be there to personally welcome us.

This trip has been a year in the making. We will be renting a house and touring as many things as possible. We have tickets for many attractions and our itinerary planned.

This will definitely be a memorable trip of a lifetime.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This is my husband with his dad and his very loving stepmother. Over the weekend we had a surprise birthday party for my husband. His birthday had been the weekend before but we delayed the party.

It was a small gathering due to other family members having plans or choosing not to come. It was their loss because we had a good time.

The party was held at my daughter's and son in law's home and we had told my husband that we were having an open house so he had no idea that it was really a party for him. He was so surprised and for hours afterward he asked if we had really planned this for him. He was worth all the planning and preparation.

Thank you Breanne and Zac-the two of you really did a lot of work to get ready for this.

Monday, June 1, 2009

My Weekend

Over the weekend these people were our guests:

I always feel honored when they come to visit. I especially like spending time with this little guy:

I even got to babysit while they went to the movie.
It was a good weekend.