Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Unless you have been living under a rock then you know that everyone is talking about swine flu. It seems that it is the latest worldwide health threat .

In the Dallas metroplex a school district has closed one of their schools for the rest of the week. I am surprised that they would do that considering that this is TAKS testing week. For those of you not living in Texas it is the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills. I won't give my opinion of the test here, I will save that for another post. Just believe me when I say that I think that if Christ were to return this week the state of Texas would ask if it could be postponed due to TAKS testing.

Back to the swine flu. I heard this morning that it will be the story for the rest of the week, the number of people diagnosed with it will increase and that ultimately someone will die from it. At least the media is preparing us.

For some reason I am not a person that is scared of this. Maybe it is because of my age :). I remember about 30 or so years ago that there was another swine flu outbreak. There were all the usual jokes about having the swine flu and displaying pig like symptoms. Then there was a shot to lessen the chances of getting the swine flu that we all flocked to get. Eventually there was no more talk of swine flu, which is what I think will happen this time.

If there becomes a shot available I will be getting one, but until then I will just continue my daily routine (if I have one) until the next worldwide health crisis.


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