Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Long Term Job

This week I started a subbing job for 4 weeks. I am filling in for the Content Mastery aide while she is doing her four week training for the Army Reserves.

This is not a position that I would normally do but it was several weeks of consistent work during a month in which I will be gone and there is also TAKS testing so I knew that subbing could be sporadic.

Content Mastery is part of special education. This is a room for students with learning disabilities. They can leave their regular classroom, bring their papers, and get individual help. Most of the students are at a very low reading level and can be discipline problems in the regular classroom because they try to cover up the fact that they are unable to keep up.

I do not take the subbing jobs in this room because these kids get used to the teacher and the aides that are in there consistently and they do not accept a different person helping them. There are many that already do not like me because I am the sub that tries to make sure they do the work that the teacher leaves for them and so they are not wild about me doing anything to help them. Maybe that will change during these four weeks.


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