Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

Photo from Flickr

Thank you to those that have willingly served our country. I am so grateful that so many have made the sacrfice so that I can live in a country in which I can freely worship my Lord and that I have the freedoms that I enjoy


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lincoln at 5 Months

Lincoln is 5 months old today and he is just the cutest thing. There are times that he looks like Lucas did as a baby and then there are times that he reminds me of Kelly. They are coming next week and I am pretty excited. We haven't seen them in person since March. There is a bonus to this visit. I get to babysit!

Kelly has a blog in which she gives away items as well as updates on their lives and experiences. You can find her at


Monday, May 11, 2009

A Day at the Beach

For Mother's Day Lucas, Kelly, and Lincoln went to the beach. In the first photo it appears that Lincoln was unsure about the beach but the other two photos show that he was having a great time. Maybe that has something to do with the fact that Lucas was blowing raspberries on his stomach. Oh well at least it was a fun day for them, including Wembley the dog.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Rain Gods Must Hate Me

Photo from Flickr
This is what it has looked like outside my window for over a week now. Don't get me wrong-I am thankful for the rain. I just wonder why it can't be spread out over several weeks instead of having it all at once.
This morning it was raining. According to the weather man on the news last night it was supposed to rain after midnight but then by this morning it would clear up and the rain would move on.
Since I had some Weed N Feed fertilizer I thought that it would be the perfect time to put it out. It stated that it needed to be put out when the grass was wet from dew and a sprinkling. Since it had not rained hard I thought this was the perfect opportunity plus I wasn't working today. I got out the fertilizer and poured it into the spreader. I got it out on the entire yard. I was happy.
After lunch I happen to look out and what do I see but RAIN. I guess now some of the weed killing particles of my fertilizer have been washing off and I will continue to have weeds. I think that this is the time that I will give up, wait until fall and put out pre-ermergent. Maybe by then the rain gods will have moved on to torture someone else.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taks Test

In Texas every year there is a test given in school. It is called TAKS-Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills.

As a substitute I am grateful that the most I can do during TAKS testing is guard the bathroom. I am not certified and therefore cannot administer the test. Those administering the test can do nothing except sit and watch those taking the test. Guarding the bathroom is a much better job.

In recent years a new criteria has been added to the importance of the test. Those that are in 5th and 8th grade must pass the tests in order to go into the next grade. In high school a student must pass in order to receive a diploma. If the test is failed there are other opportunities to take it again and pass.

My biggest problem with the TAKS test is that teachers have to teach to the test. The textbooks are state which objectives are being taught and there are worksheets that correspond to the objectives.

I have a concern that students will graduate without a well rounded education. There are after school sessions that are devoted to preparing for the test as well as days right before the test that are reviews to prepare for the test.

I am glad that I do not have children that are going to school in Texas. They would be able to pass the TAKS test without any problems although I am not sure what else they would have learned in school.


Monday, May 4, 2009

Mouse Hunt

Photo from Flickr
Mouse hunt-not the kind of hunt where you set the trap and when you hear the "Bang" you know that there will be a body to dispose of, and by the way I really think that is a picture of a gerbil but it was the best I could do in a short time.
This mousehunt is a game on Facebook. My son in law got me started on it and he was so excited that I was playing that I have continued. It gives us something to talk about and something in common.
In this mouse hunt basically all you do is click on this horn every 15 minutes and you go "hunting". You can catch a variety of mice and go to different levels after completing the level that you are currently on. There are different areas to hunt and different types of cheese. Every time you catch a mouse you are awarded with points and gold. The gold is used to buy more cheese and to travel to different areas as well as buy better mousetraps.
Sometimes you catch nothing and sometimes the mice steal your points or your cheese. That is my point-I am really tired of them stealing from me or finding my cheese stale. I have paid a pretty piece of gold for that cheese and it is not cheap. It isn't my fault that it has sat on the trap too long. If they would just stick their little necks in to get the cheese I would catch them and my cheese would always be fresh.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Chauffeur

Yesterday the Fed Ex man stopped at our house. This is a rare occurrence and when it does happen it is usually for my husband. Since he works at home when he is in town all "important" company information is sent to him at our home via Fed Ex.
This time it was a surprise for us from our friends Robert and Patty. Since Richard was such a great chauffeur when we were in San Francisco they sent him the hat to go with the title. He thought that it was great and has been wearing it when he drives our car. He was even asking me where he could take me and calling me Miss Daisy.
In the Fed Ex package I received something that I cherish. It was a picture of the 4 of us in Napa with the word "Friends" on the glass. It was very appropriate.