Monday, December 1, 2008

It's December

It is hard to believe that December is already here. November came and went quickly.

Our long Thanksgiving weekend was good. We spent the day with my parents and then the next morning we were off to Houston, where it was very warm. I have a hard time seeing people in shorts when it is this close to Christmas.

Our time in Houston was busy. We helped L&K put together the crib. Thank goodness the baby will now have a bed to sleep in. I made the valance for the window and a bed skirt for the crib. We had taken a rocking chair down but I brought the cushions back to recover them.

My husband helped L fix the leaky toilet, cut down some branches from a tree that was damaged by the hurricane and helped L mount their TV on the wall. They also moved a dresser into the baby's room.

Three weeks until this baby is officially supposed to arrive. L&K won't tell the name. They say that way we will have to like it. I tried to find out but I didn't have any luck. They are so excited about this and it is fun to watch them. The baby's room will be so cute when they have completely finished everything.

Right now we are planning on going back to Houston on December 20-the official due date and L's birthday. Of course we could be making a quick trip down there if this baby decides to come early.


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