Saturday, September 13, 2008


Several things have been going on since Thursday. First, my son and daughter in law (the hurricane evacuees) arrived Thursday night, along with the dog. The usual 5 hour drive took 8 hours due to the traffic. They said that for 80 miles they averaged 20 mph. They do not know if their home was damaged but the information that is available indicates that any damage might be minimal. They cannot return home until Monday, at the earliest.

Second, my husband returned home safely from his trip. I had already confessed the murder of the lawnmower to him and he thought that he might be able to fix it. No such luck. Whatever happened to it did some internal engine damage so it was off to the stores to check on lawnmowers. While at Home Depot we found one that had been returned. It had been used one time to mow a yard and then returned. It had been sent off to be reconditioned and was selling for $105. We grabbed it, paid for it, loaded it up in the pickup and brought it home.

We are now experiencing the remnants of Hurricane Ike. It has rained off and on most of the day and there are wind gusts at times. We are just on the outside edge of it so the worst part of it is to the east. We are thankful for whatever rain we receive.

Last but not least we are having a family birthday party tonight. Next week is my daughter in law's birthday so since they are here we decided to make the best of it and have a party. It is also somewhat of a remembrance day for all of us. One year ago today my husband underwent brain surgery to remove a tumor. Although it was a difficult time for us we are so very grateful that the tumor was non malignant. It will be a good evening.


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