Thursday, September 4, 2008

Art Teacher

Today I substituted for an art teacher. I am almost as poor at art as I am at computer technology-almost. At least with art I am generally not required to do much except keep students busy and somewhat quiet. I did manage to accomplish that.
Of course I did have one student that I always dread having in a class. He has anger issues and last year he got into a fight that I had to break up. That is something I usually try to steer clear of but this time I had no choice since I was the only adult in the hallway. When I have this student I usually try not to make him angry about anything and today I succeeded in that.

Something that is new this year-the teacher of electives only get 1 plan time. I am not sure what the thinking is behind that but it wouldn't be so bad if the plan time came in the middle of the day but when it comes at the beginning of the day it is a marathon to the end. My only salvation today was that I had lunch duty and I am not sure that is much of a break. Students like to argue about where they are sitting, who has to clean off the table, and whether or not they should have to pick up the trash on the floor. Another new thing this year-if you have lunch duty you have it for 1 hour. Bummer! I have never minded lunch duty in the past but this year I may be changing my mind.

All in all it was a good day. I enjoyed seeing the students and hearing how their summer was. Some even were glad to see me-that's unusual!


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