Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Murder of a Lawn Mower

I decided that I would mow the lawn tonight. It is something that I usually do because my husband can repair and remodel so many other things and this is one way I can help him out. The yard hadn't been mowed in almost 2 weeks and since we are expecting the wind and the rain from Hurricane Ike this weekend I thought that I should go ahead and get it done.

I had just started when I accidentally murdered the mower. My husband has attached some cable to a post that he is trying to straighten and the cable is attached to a huge buckle in the ground. I didn't see the buckle and I ran the lawn mower up on it. SCREECH!!!! The mower thankfully stopped and I expected to see the underside of it in shreds. I couldn't believe that when I turned it over that it was intact but when I tried to start it again it was resistant. When I finally got it started it made the most awful noise so I just turned it off, put it in the garage, and came inside to do some housecleaning. When my husband calls tonight I will have to confess to the murder and await my sentencing.


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