Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Part of History

I know that everyone remembers significant events during their lifetime. My 94 year old uncle was an eyewitness to the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima and can still recall every detail of that historical event. My parents can recall life during World War II, especially my mother since she had 3 older brothers that were serving in the military during that time.

I can recall many events that have shaped history. As a second grader I can remember walking home from school and hearing that President Kennedy had been assassinated in Dallas. This has stayed with me because we were living in Austin and his next stop was to be in our city and schools had been released early so students could attend the parade. School was still released early but not because of a joyous occasion. I also remember the first moon walk, Apollo 13, the 2 space shuttle disasters, the falling of the Berlin Wall, wars, 9-11, and so many other events.

Today our nation will be taking a step towards another historical event-the inauguration of our first African-American president. The inauguration is filled with tradition and every American should be proud of our nation. As a nation we should be coming together to support our president, whether you voted for Barack Obama or not. We should be starting each day in prayer to God that He will guide our president to make the right decisions-decisions that affect each and every one of us.


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