Monday, November 24, 2008


Since this is the week of Thanksgiving it is a time that we should all think of things we are grateful for. I know last year at this time I was thankful for medical insurance.

The year 2007 was an eventful year and one I never hope to repeat. The biggest events were in a medical nature. In March of 2007 I was walking across the yard and fell. I ended up dislocating and broke all the bones in my right ankle. It was a very severe injury (or so the doctor told me 6 months later) and it doesn't heal in 6 weeks. It heals in about 2 years. I had to have surgery to repair it with 7 screws and a plate. In December I had all that hardware removed.

In September of 2007 my husband had to have surgery to remove a brain tumor. We had known about the tumor for several years but it had begun to cause sensory seizures so it had become necessary to remove it. Fortunately it was not malignant but it was a long recovery and in some ways he is still recovering. Our medical bills for the year were $150,000+. How much did we pay of that-a total of about $6,000. That includes all the co pays and our share of the bills. Without medical insurance we would be paying this off forever.

God had brought us to Texas for so many reasons. We had thought it was so we could be closer to our parents so we could help them. I think that for the year of 2007 we were in Texas so our families could be closer to help us go through that year.

This year we have so much more to be thankful for-one of the biggest things is that our medical situations have been nothing compared to 2007. Thank you God for giving us a year with nothing but happy events.


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