Tuesday, November 25, 2008


My husband and I are very blessed in that all of our parents are still living and doing very well. I have watched my friends have to deal with the illness and death of their parents and we haven't had to deal with that yet.

My husband's parents divorced when he was young and his father is now 84 years old (and a very spry 84 year old man that still works part time as an electrical contractor). He remarried 40 years ago to a woman that had 3 children and then they had a child. Together they have 6 children. Although there are always problems in blending families I would have to say that they have been successful. Of course there were those difficulties when the children were younger but now that everyone is an adult they can see past those situations and there is no distinction between them-they are brothers and sisters.

My husband's mother has managed to come through some problems only because of my husband. He has always been the one that has taken the responsibility and help her through everything. Although there have been stressful times he has done what he has done out of love. As far as her health she has few problems.

My parents are very self sufficient. My dad (at 76) takes care of cows and all the chores that come with that. He may be a little slower but he is out there every morning and working hard. My mother may be 75 but there are times that she can wear me out. She goes with us on trips and never misses a beat. Through the trials of last year they were there to help us through it.

How thankful we are!


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