Monday, November 10, 2008

Living Without a Newspaper

For the first time in 30 years I am no longer subscribing to a newspaper. I have always had a newspaper delivered and I read it daily.

Recently our city's newspaper decreased the size of the paper. They did this by combining some sections and eliminating some of the features-some of the things that I enjoyed. Some of the advice columns were gone as well as some of the puzzles.

When I received my bill I discovered that the cost of the newspaper subscription was going up. As I thought about it I realized that they decreased the size of the paper and were going to be charging me more for it. I decided that this was no longer a good value for my money.

This past week I called the newspaper office to cancel my subscription. When I was asked why I was cancelling I explained my reasons to them. The customer service agent told me that she understands and that they had had many people express my same sentiments.

I know that the newspaper had to make the decision to raise the prices and decrease the size because of cost. It is my option to continue to be a subscriber-or not!


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