Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Taks Test

In Texas every year there is a test given in school. It is called TAKS-Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills.

As a substitute I am grateful that the most I can do during TAKS testing is guard the bathroom. I am not certified and therefore cannot administer the test. Those administering the test can do nothing except sit and watch those taking the test. Guarding the bathroom is a much better job.

In recent years a new criteria has been added to the importance of the test. Those that are in 5th and 8th grade must pass the tests in order to go into the next grade. In high school a student must pass in order to receive a diploma. If the test is failed there are other opportunities to take it again and pass.

My biggest problem with the TAKS test is that teachers have to teach to the test. The textbooks are state which objectives are being taught and there are worksheets that correspond to the objectives.

I have a concern that students will graduate without a well rounded education. There are after school sessions that are devoted to preparing for the test as well as days right before the test that are reviews to prepare for the test.

I am glad that I do not have children that are going to school in Texas. They would be able to pass the TAKS test without any problems although I am not sure what else they would have learned in school.


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