Mouse hunt-not the kind of hunt where you set the trap and when you hear the "Bang" you know that there will be a body to dispose of, and by the way I really think that is a picture of a gerbil but it was the best I could do in a short time.
This mousehunt is a game on Facebook. My son in law got me started on it and he was so excited that I was playing that I have continued. It gives us something to talk about and something in common.
In this mouse hunt basically all you do is click on this horn every 15 minutes and you go "hunting". You can catch a variety of mice and go to different levels after completing the level that you are currently on. There are different areas to hunt and different types of cheese. Every time you catch a mouse you are awarded with points and gold. The gold is used to buy more cheese and to travel to different areas as well as buy better mousetraps.
Sometimes you catch nothing and sometimes the mice steal your points or your cheese. That is my point-I am really tired of them stealing from me or finding my cheese stale. I have paid a pretty piece of gold for that cheese and it is not cheap. It isn't my fault that it has sat on the trap too long. If they would just stick their little necks in to get the cheese I would catch them and my cheese would always be fresh.
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