Friday, December 5, 2008

A Little Different This Year

Our family is no different than most families at this time of year. We usually buy several gifts for everyone and enjoy giving them, BUT I had always felt that we should be doing something else. We had tried to do things through church but to me it felt like it wasn't a family effort.

Now that both of our children are grown and married I thought that it was time to try something else. We decided that all of us were very blessed and there wasn't anything that we really needed. We decided that we would draw names. That in itself is not unusual-lots of families do that. We added another element to it and hopefully it will be something we do every Christmas.
We decided that we would contribute to a charity and that one family would choose the charity for each of us to donate. We also decided that my parents would be the one to make the choice this year and that it would rotate on a yearly basis. The amount that each person would donate would be totally up to them, we would just send our checks to my parents and they would forward them to the charity.

This year my parents chose Lighthouse for Christ ( This is a charty that has doctors go to Kenya and perform eye operations for free. The doctors donate all their time to perform these surgeries. They also dispense glasses. This organization also talks with people about Jesus as they are waiting to be seen by the doctors. This is an impressive organization and I am so pleased that this year our donation will be going to them.


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