Saturday, December 20, 2008

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my oldest baby-he is turning 28 today. Today is also the day that his baby is due so we will see what happens.
L is every mother's dream child. He was a good baby-slept, ate, and was always so easy going. I dreaded the high school years because I was afraid that he would make the wrong choices but I was the one that was wrong. He made all the right decisions. I joke and say that I had the only boy that would call and tell me every movement.
I then dreaded the day that he would leave home to go to college because I knew how much I would miss him. Missing him didn't end with him going to college. There are still many days that I miss him but I am so grateful for the way he has turned out.
A new parent asked me one time what was the best thing he could do for his newborn. I was so surprised that he thought that I would have the magic answer. The only response I had was to do as I had-pray for them every day. That prayer doesn't end with his growing up and getting married. I still pray daily for him as well as his wife (and my daughter and son in law).
Thank you for being the best son a mother could ever hope for.

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