Friday, October 10, 2008

Wedding Sampler

Five years ago when my son and daughter in law got married I cross stitched a wedding sampler for them. It was nothing frilly because I didn't think that is what they would want.

This past April my daughter and son in law were married. I spent several weeks looking at cross stitch patterns trying to find something that I thought they would like. I finally found one that hopefully would be reminescent of their wedding. I finally chose this one. It had a gazebo with flowers and in the middle it had their names and wedding date. It was done on blue fabric and I stitched the names and date in brown. Blue and brown-their wedding colors.

As hard as I tried I was not able to finish it before their wedding. I worked on it at school and at home when I wasn't substituting. By the time summer rolled around I was tired of looking at it and working on it. I had to put it away and even though I would try I could never work up the energy to work on it.

When school rolled around again I took got it out and took it with me. I was determined to get it done. I worked on it every chance I had-at school. Last week I was finally down to the date. I knew I would get it done that afternoon during my second plan time. Then the inevitable happened-I was called to cover another class. Didn't they know that I had plans and that I needed to work on this sampler and get it done? I gathered up my things and went to the other class and covered it, hoping that they would remember how cheerful I had sounded.

Anyway, I sat down Friday night and finished! Yea!! Sunday when B and Z came over I showed it to them, hoping that they wouldn't think that it was the ugliest thing they had ever seen. Z said it was nice (he's a man-he can't appreciate all the hard work I put into it) but B loved it (she knows how to make her mother feel good). She told me that she was hoping that I would do something for her.

I am glad that I finally finished the sampler but I am thrilled that I don't have any more children to marry-I don't want to have to do another wedding sampler. Now birth sampler for that baby that will be born in December-that is another story!


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