Friday, October 24, 2008


My Mantle

I enjoy fall. In Texas this time of year is not the prettiest. There are a few trees changing colors but not like it is in other areas of the United States. The best part of fall in Texas is the fact that it finally cools off and gives us relief from the heat of the summer.
When we lived in Kansas fall was always a great time of year. It was getting cooler and you knew that snow was just around the corner. The trees were changing and were just beautiful. There was this one house down the street from us that had the most beautiful tree in the front yard. The leaves on it would change to a bright orange and at certain times of the day it would almost look like it was glowing.
Since I don't live in an area where there is an abundance of fall color I have to make do. I try to decorate my mantle and fireplace area with fall leaves (although they are fake) and this year I did something different-I decorated the top of our entertainment center. At least when I am inside my house I can see fall colors.

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