Friday, March 20, 2009

March Madness

My son and I are sports fans. It is something that we share and I love when he calls and wants to talk about a football game that we have both seen. We love football, soccer, and basketball playoffs. I am not one to watch the whole college or professional basketball season but I am there at playoff time.

A few years ago Lucas' father in law started a March Madness bracket and it only cost $5 to fill one out. I have faithfully filled one out through the years and have always lost, although not in last place.

This year Lucas took over administrating the brackets and making sure he reminds everyone fills theirs out on time. I have once again filled it out. I usually guess and so I am amazed some years that I don't end up in last place.

As in the years past it is fun to follow the games and everyone else's progress. Good Luck to all!


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